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    Re: Judge frauded signature of Petitioner:DD

    Posted by Other DD on 7/06/05

    Just checking in....does the heart good to see someone, especially pro se,


    On 7/06/05, DD wrote:
    > Oh my goodness,I think the questions that would make one go postal on here
    > are the continuos "how do I get out of the house at 17" and the "dead beat
    > dads trying to get of paying child support".
    > My question was touched on by a few respondents when orginally submitted, I
    > was supposed to keep updates yet I have not re-asked the question. It is
    > still pending in the courts.
    > Update however is I continue to stay ahead of the "GAME" played in the
    > court room.
    > A visting judge who supposidly sat on the Appeals Court for 9 years even
    > screwed up along with the county atty. His comments on record were "just
    > pay the court cost make peace with Judge Stovall so you can get your other
    > motions heard" with that and further mistakes once again not following
    > procedures cost them the win on my motion for free appeal. My point in the
    > case is why should I have to pay to have documents corrected when the Judge
    > and her staff created the problem in the first place?
    > Along with that, the original Judge has been recused and they have had to
    > call in a Judge on special assignment to hear any motions while case is
    > pending appeal.
    > This judge is one that is dotting every I and crossing every T, doesn't
    > want her but in a crack and is not giving the Respondent any room for
    > excuses. She actually followed the law and issued capias for non-appearance
    > of Respondent and witness regarding hearing for enforcement pending appeal.
    > I was simply floored that she actually did her job didn't bat an eye or try
    > to brush me aside because I am pro-se. Of course we agree on one thing it
    > would be much easier if I could pay for an attorney, but that is out of the
    > question, can't afford it. Legal Aid won't touch it because "it's not
    > their appeal".
    > The funniest thing though, during the capias/show cause hearing, the
    > Respondent says to the judge "Your Honor, my wife hasn't signed the final
    > decree can you get her to sign it today". Oh my god, the respondent just
    > proved my case by his verbal statement alone that I didn't sign the very
    > decree I am appealing based on first and formost my Frauded/Forged
    > signature. I am still laughing over that, as it will be probably the only
    > true nail in the coffin I need submitt to win my appeal.
    > The Court Reporter received a letter with notice to respond to motion
    > notice of original appeal, as she was a month over due on submitting
    > records and had made no effort to request extension. When she called me
    > she said " I thought it had all been settled" and did she still need to
    > send the records after having received the notice from the Appeals
    > Court. DUH!!! can she read English? The Appeals Court is telling
    > her "SEND THE RECORDS".
    > Furthermore, the investigation with the Judicial Conduct Commission is
    > still on going with regard to Judicial misconduct and fraud by an officer
    > of the court.
    > Again, advise and opionions are appreciated... have a great week!
    > DD
    > On 7/06/05, dd wrote:
    >> Hey v,
    >> Speaking of postal......sometimes I just really, really understand.
    >> On 5/05/05, v wrote:
    >>> To all the letter carriers,
    >>> somone could go postal. Yes this
    >>> was asked a few weks ago on the
    >>> legal questions chat board. I
    >>> believe it was answerd. Why is it
    >>> repeating it self? Hi! little
    >>> dd.! i did not recognize you offf
    >>> the tox board. I'm traveling light
    >>> i only carry one letter with me.
    >>> On 5/04/05, 00 wrote:
    >>>> The poster's question was
    >>> answered some weeks back on
    >>> another thread
    >>>> on a different board on here.
    >>> They had posted multiple times.
    >>>> On 5/04/05, Who Cares wrote:
    >>>>> Dear dd's,ee's,ff's,gg's,oo's
    >>>>> Who CARES if you are dd,DD,OO,GG
    >>>>> This person has a serious
    >>> concern, question, situation. So
    >>> stop
    >>>>> being brainless with dd, DD,
    >>> oo,GG. Who cares.
    >>>>> On 5/03/05, DD wrote:
    >>>>>> unless you have identified
    >>> yourself I suppose the confusion
    >>> would
    >>>>>> come if we ask the same exact
    >>> question somehow and they thought
    >>>>>> we were repeating ourselves.
    >>>>>> On 5/03/05, 00 wrote:
    >>>>>>> And of course, neither one of
    >>> you should be confused with me--
    >>>>>>> 00.
    >>>>>>> On 5/03/05, dd wrote:
    >>>>>>>> DD,
    >>>>>>>> Just want to make sure that
    >>> regular posters on the board
    >>>>>>>> don't confuse you with me.
    >>> I post primarily on toxboard but
    >>>>>>>> some of those who cruise the
    >>> entire selection may confuse
    >>>>>>>> your initials w/ mine.
    >>>>>>>> dd
    >>>>>>>> On 3/24/05, DD wrote:
    >>>>>>>>> I am a victim of Fraud and
    >>> Forgery committed by a District
    >>>>>>>>> Court Judge. Have been told
    >>> by some that this Judge using a
    >>>>>>>>> page that contained my
    >>> signature from a previous document
    >>>>>>>>> to finalize a new document
    >>> she prepared and signed should
    >>>>>>>>> just be overlooked because
    >>> after all I have several things
    >>>>>>>>> in my favor in the final
    >>> order. Now I ask you in the future
    >>>>>>>>> who will be acused of fraud
    >>> if I don't dispute the use of
    >>>>>>>>> my signature? Of course it
    >>> will be me because I neither
    >>>>>>>>> prepared, agreed to or
    >>> signed the document that she ruled
    >>>>>>>>> on. I can't even express
    >>> the agrivation I feel about this
    >>>>>>>>> situation. The fact that my
    >>> signature is forged makes the
    >>>>>>>>> entire judgment void and I
    >>> have to start with square one,
    >>>>>>>>> of course the District
    >>> Judge isn't admitting to anything
    >>>>>>>>> being wrong so I now in the
    >>> Appeals Court seeking relief.
    >>>>>>>>> Having to stay married to
    >>> an abuser and dead beat dad
    >>>>>>>>> because the Court committed
    >>> a crime is just beyond words.
    >>>>>>>>> Should I file criminal
    >>> charges as well as mental and
    >>>>>>>>> emotional anquish caused by
    >>> this Judges wrong doing?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Judge frauded signature of Petitioner, 3/24/05, by DD.
  • Re: Judge frauded signature of Petitioner:DD, 5/03/05, by dd.
  • Re: Judge frauded signature of Petitioner:DD, 5/03/05, by 00.
  • Re: Judge frauded signature of Petitioner:DD, 5/03/05, by DD.
  • Re: Judge frauded signature of Petitioner:DD, 5/04/05, by Who Cares.
  • Re: Judge frauded signature of Petitioner:DD, 5/04/05, by 00.
  • Re: Judge frauded signature of Petitioner:DD, 5/05/05, by v.
  • Re: Judge frauded signature of Petitioner:DD, 7/06/05, by dd.
  • Re: Judge frauded signature of Petitioner:DD, 7/06/05, by DD.
  • Re: Judge frauded signature of Petitioner:DD, 7/06/05, by Other DD.

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