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    Re: Clarification of Harrasment Charges??

    Posted by Curmudgeon on 5/05/05

    You're right. It is a waste of the taxpayers' money to fund
    the child support system. Its a waste of the taxpayers'
    money to support you and your children. You chose that
    deadbeat. You bore his children. You made life decisions
    that don't allow you to afford a private attorney. So,
    right, why should I have to pay for courtrooms, judges,
    court staff, prosecutors, prosecutors' staff, bailiffs and
    police officers to make up for your mistakes?

    On 5/05/05, Custodial Parent wrote:
    > If a custodial parent sends written correspondance,
    > subpoenas and publishes a dead beat father notice to
    > attempt to collect child support can that be deemed
    > harrasment? Especially if that is all the correspondance
    > pertains to?
    > Now if I can't vent just a bit, it seems the judicial
    > system really doesn't enforce support orders, it just
    > idle threats of this or that and not until the dead beat
    > several years in arrears do they actually take serious
    > their own orders issues.
    > I am sick and tired of this dead beat getting away with
    > neglecting his responsibility and am willing to risk being
    > accused of harrasment it is just ridiculous that I would
    > have to be placed in that situation just to have a court
    > order upheld because the court system is a joke in that
    > arena, even the atty gen. that is a JOKE personified. It
    > a waste of the tax payers money for that office to even
    > exist the custodial parent still has to do "ALL" the leg
    > work, P.I. work ect. That agency doesn't do anything but
    > make idle threats until the child has gone years without
    > support from the non-custodial parent.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Clarification of Harrasment Charges??, 5/05/05, by Custodial Parent.
  • Re: Clarification of Harrasment Charges??, 5/05/05, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: Clarification of Harrasment Charges??, 5/05/05, by Custodial Parent.
  • Re: Clarification of Harrasment Charges??, 5/05/05, by v.

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