Re: Clarification of Harrasment Charges??
Posted by Custodial Parent on 5/05/05
I pay the same taxes you do (assuming you do pay taxes) and I
don't live on welfare. So I expect my tax dollars to work if an
agency is spending them. I didn't say I couldn't afford a
private attorney.
What I said was the judicial system doesn't enforce their own
orders until the custodial parent has had to due without
support for years even if they go back to court to enforce the
orders. Why should I pay an attorney to get nothing
accomplished any faster or at all for that matter?
I have already tried that, they just collected a check because
you have to "RETAIN" them before they will go to court and you
know collection of fees from the person who is in contempt is a
joke, doesn't happen so the attorney gets paid by the person
filing the contempt motion. It is a win win situation for the
attorney only in that case.
We wouldn't need the Child Support Division of Atty Gen's
office if the Judges through dead beat dads in jail and put
them on probation the FIRST time they are in contempt now would
And since you seem to think a person should be able to know who
will be a dead beat dad in advance, could you tell me oh please
please enlighten me on just how that is done. In my experience
that trait usually doesn't come out until they are ordered to
pay child support.
Furthermore my question remains unanswered!
On 5/05/05, Curmudgeon wrote:
> You're right. It is a waste of the taxpayers' money to fund
> the child support system. Its a waste of the taxpayers'
> money to support you and your children. You chose that
> deadbeat. You bore his children. You made life decisions
> that don't allow you to afford a private attorney. So,
> right, why should I have to pay for courtrooms, judges,
> court staff, prosecutors, prosecutors' staff, bailiffs and
> police officers to make up for your mistakes?
> On 5/05/05, Custodial Parent wrote:
>> If a custodial parent sends written correspondance,
>> subpoenas and publishes a dead beat father notice to
>> attempt to collect child support can that be deemed
>> harrasment? Especially if that is all the correspondance
>> pertains to?
>> Now if I can't vent just a bit, it seems the judicial
>> system really doesn't enforce support orders, it just
> makes
>> idle threats of this or that and not until the dead beat
> is
>> several years in arrears do they actually take serious
>> their own orders issues.
>> I am sick and tired of this dead beat getting away with
>> neglecting his responsibility and am willing to risk being
>> accused of harrasment it is just ridiculous that I would
>> have to be placed in that situation just to have a court
>> order upheld because the court system is a joke in that
>> arena, even the atty gen. that is a JOKE personified. It
> is
>> a waste of the tax payers money for that office to even
>> exist the custodial parent still has to do "ALL" the leg
>> work, P.I. work ect. That agency doesn't do anything but
>> make idle threats until the child has gone years without
>> support from the non-custodial parent.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Clarification of Harrasment Charges??, 5/05/05, by Custodial Parent.
- Re: Clarification of Harrasment Charges??, 5/05/05, by Curmudgeon.
- Re: Clarification of Harrasment Charges??, 5/05/05, by Custodial Parent.
- Re: Clarification of Harrasment Charges??, 5/05/05, by v.