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    Re: HIPPA Violation

    Posted by Brenda Leclerc on 9/02/05

    On 6/29/05, Jackie Taylor wrote:
    > My surviviving sister and I were instructed by an attorney
    > for a pharmacy that we had to pick up my deceased sister;s
    > pharmacy records in person and show and ID. This was after
    > a year of requests by mail, email, etc. We made the 5 hour
    > drive only to be told the attorney had the files and we
    > would have to come back on MOnday. We refused and they
    > called the police on us for criminal tresspassing. I
    > thought my survivng sister was going to have a stroke. We
    > left without the records and after a visit to the police
    > station. DO we have a case?

    My doctor recently ordered a blood test and urine test on me
    to check my cholesterol and liver. I just imagined the urine
    test was to look for problems with my kidneys or whatever.
    When i went to his office the following week to get the
    results, he walked in the room and handed me a letter. It
    stated that I tested "positive" for "other" drugs in my urine
    test! He said that he was giving me 30 days to find a new
    doctor and that he will only see me for emergencies during
    the 30 days. I was appalled! Is this legal? He then accused
    me of buying drugs on the street and even though I got into a
    heated debate about it, he was not going to change his mind
    and does not treat "junkies"! The only drugs I take are from
    him and my psychiatrist!! I am on anti depressants and some
    other anxiety meds. Then he wanted me to sign a release form
    so he could release to other doctors, my file. He has ruined
    my reputation, slandered my name, did an illegal drug test on
    me and now wants to spread the word!? I don't know what to
    do. I am a respectable woman of 55 yrs. and do not go to the
    streets to buy drugs!!!

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • HIPPA Violation, 6/29/05, by Jackie Taylor.
  • Re: HIPPA Violation, 9/02/05, by Brenda Leclerc.

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