Re: US mail tampering
Posted by Tamara on 1/01/08
Ok. My mother-in-law is psychotic. She had been getting mine and my husbands mail after he went away to the military. She did a change of address after my husband and I got married in order for her to get his mail and not me. He did not authorize this. I did a change of address to get the mail back but the post office made a mistake and starting forwarding her mail to me too. When filling out the form I asked for it to forward under my husbands name and marked it as our family not induvidual (I had his consent to do this). I never opened her mail. Everytime I got a letter of hers or bill or whatever I put it back in the mail to be sent to her. I had recieved one of her bills that had my new address on it and still sent it back to her unopened. She is claiming that I opened it and called her bill company to change the address therefore getting all her bills and info from that company, which I didn't. Now she is trying to press charges for mail tampering and ruining her credit and crap because the bill was never paid. Can I go to jail for something I didn't do?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- US mail tampering, 11/03/05, by Jason .
- Re: US mail tampering, 12/03/05, by sharwinston.
- Re: US mail tampering, 1/16/06, by Elaina.
- Re: US mail tampering, 2/05/06, by Julie Curtis.
- Re: US mail tampering, 5/29/06, by sandra.
- Re: US mail tampering, 5/29/06, by sandra.
- Re: US mail tampering, 12/04/07, by Jen.
- Re: US mail tampering, 12/04/07, by --.
- Re: US mail tampering, 1/01/08, by Tamara.
- Re: US mail tampering, 1/01/08, by --.
- Re: US mail tampering, 8/28/09, by Matt f.