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    Post: Hippa Violation?

    Posted by Marie on 11/21/05

    I am not sure that my HR person at work is instructing me
    correctly. I have an intestinal disease that I dont like
    to talk about and rarely do. I told my boss about it when
    I was hired becasue I felt she needed to know. She was
    aware of it as she had a past employee with this disease
    and her husband is an internal medicine specialist. Once
    at a luncheon (approx 8 months ago) with co-workers a
    comment was made on what I was eating. I said it doesnt
    matter what I eat it all goes right through me anyway. No
    one asked any questions and I didnt say more. In the last
    4 weeks anytime that I was out or someone didnt see me
    they would bring up my illness. I had a conversation with
    my boss and her bosses admin that I do not want my illness
    talked about anymore. I dont want people to ask me how I
    am feeling. It is personal. I recently had a flare and
    let my boss know what was happening. I work from home one
    day a week and that is when I went to the doc for a
    procedure to help my flare up. The only one that knew
    about this was my boss. At another employee lunch I was
    asked "How is your stomach, I heard it was bad". I was
    upset that the information was shared. Apparently my boss
    told her bosses admin as an FYI and it was spread from
    there. I dont like to talk about my illness so I reacted
    poorly. I apologized later for my reaction but asked them
    not to talk about it again. Within an hour I received a
    call from the Seniors admin saying that I had talked about
    my illness in the past and put the blame another person
    who did not tell anyone. I didnt care I just wanted it to
    stop. I dont know what part of no these people dont
    understand. My hr generalist told me that because I
    shared this information in the past people are going to
    talk about it and ask me how I am feeling. There is
    nothing I can do about it. She said I am trying to
    control something that I cant and in a week I will feel
    better. I feel violated. I dont want to make problems
    but I dont feel it is going to stop. I am not embarressed
    of my disease. I have had it for over 15 years but I just
    dont want to discuss it especially over lunch.

    Do they have a right to talk about it anytime and continue
    to ask me how I am feeling even though I have told them
    several times I dont want to talk about it anymore?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Hippa Violation?, 11/21/05, by Marie.
  • Re: Hippa Violation?, 11/22/05, by Law Student Not Lawyer.

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