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    Post: Defamation of Character

    Posted by D.C. on 12/05/05

    there is an individual that use to be my friend. We had an
    argument about a blog that was about a dream that I
    had...which was of a relatively different indivdual that
    had the dream. The individual who wants to charge
    me for Defamation of Character was stating that a blog that
    I posted I lied about stating that he was a liar! now can
    i be charged or is this just an individual who is just
    attempting to make a scare? i am a criminal justice but i
    just finished up a year of school, and from the defintions
    there has to be a known statement stating that I have
    injured his reputation which wasn't even close to the case!

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Defamation of Character, 12/05/05, by D.C..

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