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    Post: Employer Opening Mail

    Posted by Daniel on 1/23/06


    My girlfriend was recently laid off from her job. She had
    some issues with recieving her final pay stub. When she
    recieved it from her employer it was open.(she actually
    has an a cc'd email from one of her former co-workers to
    her former supervisor stating they opened the pay stub to
    make copies for the company) They used a 3rd party
    company for the distribution of the pay stubs. The 3rd
    party would send the pay stubs to the employer and they
    would in turn send out the pay stubs. Would it be illegal
    for an employee of the company(not direct supervisor)
    opening her paystub and making copies.(paystub had
    personal info, bank accnt # and stuff)

    Thanks for your help!!!


    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Employer Opening Mail, 1/23/06, by Daniel.
  • Re: Employer Opening Mail, 2/19/06, by sharwinston.

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