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    Post: opening mail from a judge

    Posted by Lucy on 3/19/06


    I have a question:

    My sister no longer lives with my mother and me, and she
    received a letter from a judge. In the past, she had
    received a jury summons and we thought it was another jury
    summons. It was in fact a notice saying that if she did
    not pay her fine for an expired vehicle registration,
    there will be a warrant out for her arrest.

    She has threatened to press charges for opening her mail
    even though it has my mother's address on it. She has been
    told to forward all mail to her new address, but has not.

    I'm want to know if these are real grounds for pressing
    charges against us.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • opening mail from a judge, 3/19/06, by Lucy.
  • Re: opening mail from a judge, 4/03/06, by Prairie Dawg.

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