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    Post: Neighbor Harassing My Household

    Posted by Sarah on 4/01/06

    My neighbor has been harassing my family and pets. He
    doesn't like the fact that I have 4 dogs. We are very
    reponsible pet owners that pick up after our dogs.
    However, he doesn't want us walking past his house or
    walking on the common areas near his house. This is a bit
    hard to avoid since his house is connected to our house.
    He has followed my friend while he was walking the dogs on
    common ground yelling and has tried to kick our dog. He
    has made false accusations that we are commercially
    breeding our dogs (they are all spayed and neutered), that
    our dogs are making on his property and we aren't picking
    up. The health department has come to investigate and
    found no basis for the complaint. The animal control
    department has been out twice and found nothing. He has
    also called the code enforcement department stating that
    I'm doing construction in my home without a permit. They
    didn't even bother to come out because they could see that
    any construction I've done in the past, I've taken out a
    permit for while he has done work in his house without a
    permit. He claims his basis is because we reported him
    for a parking space violation to the association. However,
    it wasn't us and so his harassment doesn't stop. The
    other day, while we were at work, he had the animal
    control officer come out again and he showed him brown
    spots on the common areas and supposedly dog feces in my
    fenced (and locked) backyard. The officer told him to go
    to mediation to try and stop all this petty stuff but he
    refused to go to mediation and the officer signed a
    warrant that he took out against us for failure to pick up
    feces. Now we are going to court to try to defend
    ourselves from this fool. I'm afraid that he will try to
    harm my dogs next. What recourse do we have against this
    demented individual?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Neighbor Harassing My Household, 4/01/06, by Sarah.
  • Re: Neighbor Harassing My Household, 4/06/06, by Carol.

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