Re: Someones going through my garbage pail at work.
Posted by Alex on 1/23/04
Sounds like this woman is going to meltdown and get hostile at the office if you know what I mean. Once you throw something in the trash you have no expectation of privacy in it. On 1/23/04, roosta wrote: > On 1/23/04, dk wrote: > DK, why not just write WONDERFUL things about her for a week > or so just to leave in the "can"? Like how she deserves a > raise, how hard she works, ect. NOTHING to do with her > gender, clothes JUST her work. Just to see what responce you > get. You might be surprised.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Someones going through my garbage pail at work., 1/23/04, by dk.
- Re: Someones going through my garbage pail at work., 1/23/04, by roosta.
- Re: Someones going through my garbage pail at work., 1/23/04, by Alex.