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    Re: Neighbor Laws?

    Posted by JOHN on 4/22/06

    How about having them arrested for trespassing? at the
    moment they are trespassing into your property

    Any Lawyer will ask you this: have you consider moving away?

    What are the damages?

    You can take them to small claims if it's an ammount under
    the ammount required to take them to small claims court

    Or you can sue them for mental anguish, harrassment,
    destroying your Real Estate Property etc.

    If you can afford consult a Real Estate Lawyer he will give
    you the best advice

    On the other hand, your neighbors are the closest in case of
    an emergency nobody is closer than a neighbor, always try to
    have a good relationship with them, the best thing is not to
    become to friendly, just be polite, good morning, good
    afternoon, have a nice day, give them short answers etc.


    On 4/22/06, Mary wrote:
    > I have been harrassed by my new neighbor for 2 years on an
    > ongoing basis. They drive over my lawn, throw tree
    > branches and leaves into my yard; I placed a landscape
    > rock on my property to stop them from tearing up my lawn,
    > but in turn they pushed it over, then have moved it with
    > their large trucks. In addition, they drove over the rock
    > onto the lawn a month ago and drove back and forth and
    > tore up all my new sod. I have called the police every
    > time and incident has occurred and they simple wipe their
    > hands and say it is a civil matter and they is no laws to
    > arrest them or any charges that can be filed.
    > I am don't understand, I am sure if I did the same to them
    > I am sure they would find some laws to get me arrested.
    > I had to purchase a home security camera and install 6
    > high powered security lights, to protect my property.
    > I have captured the incidents on my security camera and
    > have also been an eye witness.
    > I don't know what else to do.
    > Is there any legal actions that I can take?
    > My husband and I are quite and keep to are selves, we are
    > also afraid of retaliation from them, where they would
    > harm our dog.
    > thanks
    > Mary

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Neighbor Laws? , 4/22/06, by Mary.
  • Re: Neighbor Laws? , 4/22/06, by JOHN.
  • Re: Neighbor Laws? , 4/22/06, by ashley1978.
  • Re: Neighbor Laws? , 4/22/06, by ashley1978.
  • Re: Neighbor Laws? , 4/23/06, by v.
  • Re: Neighbor Laws? , 5/11/06, by lana.
  • Re: Neighbor Laws? , 8/01/06, by Another harassed neighbor.
  • Re: Neighbor Laws? , 9/01/06, by Freya.
  • Re: Neighbor Laws? , 9/01/06, by Freya.
  • Re: Neighbor Laws? , 10/04/06, by mei liu.
  • Re: Neighbor Laws? , 12/09/06, by carolyn.

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