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    Re: Neighbor Laws?

    Posted by v on 4/23/06

    On 4/22/06, ashley1978 wrote:

    I beg to differ. Since when, is malicious property damage, not a
    criminal act? Reckless driving? A public menance? Endngering the
    healt and saftey of the public, Tresspassing, as was mentiond. You
    got em on film. If your state police have a higher authority then
    your police dept., i'd go thro them with your poof.

    > On 4/22/06, ashley1978 wrote: UNFORTUNATELY, I think they are
    > PASSED the "good mornings" and various other pleasantries, so
    > instead of what you COULD have done, let's ponder what you CAN
    > do now. You can check your local courts and look into their
    > various types of restraining orders, in mY state we
    > have "HARRASSMENT" restraining orders, and although these dont
    > always BAN them from coming within a certain distance like
    > domestic violence restraining orders do, they DO hole th parties
    > accountable from any and all further harrassment and IF
    > harrassed further by anyone on the ORDER, the police CAN be
    > called AND the named individuals WILL be taken to jail for
    > violating the order. THIS is something the police CANNOT walk
    > away from. You CAN try this as I had to do it for a neighbor of
    > mine that lived RIGHT across the hall IN the SAME bldg as me, so
    > we couldnt prevent him/his wife from coming to the bldg they
    > were ORDERED to stop ALL and ANY contact with us, including
    > harrassment, remarks meant to harrass, bother, or cause mental
    > anguish to ME and MY KIDS, I didnt put my husband on there as he
    > is a trk driver and isnt really home too much and WHEN he is
    > home, they DO NOT bother any of us. Hopefully this is something
    > YOU can look into.
    > Ashley
    >> On 4/22/06, JOHN wrote:
    >>> How about having them arrested for trespassing? at the
    >>> moment they are trespassing into your property
    >>> Any Lawyer will ask you this: have you consider moving away?
    >>> What are the damages?
    >>> You can take them to small claims if it's an ammount under
    >>> the ammount required to take them to small claims court
    >>> Or you can sue them for mental anguish, harrassment,
    >>> destroying your Real Estate Property etc.
    >>> If you can afford consult a Real Estate Lawyer he will give
    >>> you the best advice
    >>> On the other hand, your neighbors are the closest in case of
    >>> an emergency nobody is closer than a neighbor, always try to
    >>> have a good relationship with them, the best thing is not to
    >>> become to friendly, just be polite, good morning, good
    >>> afternoon, have a nice day, give them short answers etc.
    >>> JOHN
    >>> On 4/22/06, Mary wrote:
    >>>> I have been harrassed by my new neighbor for 2 years on an
    >>>> ongoing basis. They drive over my lawn, throw tree
    >>>> branches and leaves into my yard; I placed a landscape
    >>>> rock on my property to stop them from tearing up my lawn,
    >>>> but in turn they pushed it over, then have moved it with
    >>>> their large trucks. In addition, they drove over the rock
    >>>> onto the lawn a month ago and drove back and forth and
    >>>> tore up all my new sod. I have called the police every
    >>>> time and incident has occurred and they simple wipe their
    >>>> hands and say it is a civil matter and they is no laws to
    >>>> arrest them or any charges that can be filed.
    >>>> I am don't understand, I am sure if I did the same to them
    >>>> I am sure they would find some laws to get me arrested.
    >>>> I had to purchase a home security camera and install 6
    >>>> high powered security lights, to protect my property.
    >>>> I have captured the incidents on my security camera and
    >>>> have also been an eye witness.
    >>>> I don't know what else to do.
    >>>> Is there any legal actions that I can take?
    >>>> My husband and I are quite and keep to are selves, we are
    >>>> also afraid of retaliation from them, where they would
    >>>> harm our dog.
    >>>> thanks
    >>>> Mary

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Neighbor Laws? , 4/22/06, by Mary.
  • Re: Neighbor Laws? , 4/22/06, by JOHN.
  • Re: Neighbor Laws? , 4/22/06, by ashley1978.
  • Re: Neighbor Laws? , 4/22/06, by ashley1978.
  • Re: Neighbor Laws? , 4/23/06, by v.
  • Re: Neighbor Laws? , 5/11/06, by lana.
  • Re: Neighbor Laws? , 8/01/06, by Another harassed neighbor.
  • Re: Neighbor Laws? , 9/01/06, by Freya.
  • Re: Neighbor Laws? , 9/01/06, by Freya.
  • Re: Neighbor Laws? , 10/04/06, by mei liu.
  • Re: Neighbor Laws? , 12/09/06, by carolyn.

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