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    Post: Indirect Harassment?

    Posted by Liz on 5/22/06

    I don't know if there is something I could do about a
    neighbor harassing me through my landlord? I rent a house
    and for some reason or another a neighbor (who lives about
    5 houses away, across the street) always complains to our
    landlord about loud noise coming from my house. We do have
    musical instruments in the garage and practice sometimes,
    but only during the day (reasonable hours) and not late at
    night. They also complain to our landlord if there are
    cars parked along the public street or if we have guests
    over. Because of all these frivolous complaints to our
    landlord we have refrained from having people over,
    playing music, etc... Just last week our next door
    neighbors had a party with live music and they still
    called our landlord saying that it was us. This really
    upset me because now everytime our neighbors have a
    gathering, they are going to blame it on us too. Our
    landlord has threatened to terminate our tenancy because
    of the same neighbor calling and complaining on us. I
    don't know what to do anymore, but I know I want this
    neighbor to leave me alone and stop harassing us by
    calling our landlord.
    I feel like a prisoner in my home not being able to do
    things I enjoy. Is there any actions I can take to make
    them stop?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Indirect Harassment?, 5/22/06, by Liz.

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