Post: Re: Reret of having the spine stimulator implant

Posted by Heather on 11/02/07
I had my Medtronics spinal stimulator implanted in Feb of 07. I have had alot of relief but they told me that even they could not be assured that it would help my unique case. I guess you could say I went from suicidial pain to now I can be medicated. It was not the miracle I hoped for, I have to keep it down or it overstimulates. They said it takes one hour to recharge, it take 6-8 hours. Now I have alot of muscle spasms in the area and tenderness. I feel that it depends on which is worse, conctant stimulation to block the pain or the pain. Sometimes I turn it off to remember why I have it, it takes about 2 days then I reach for my remote. HOWEVER, by getting the implant, I overextended my body and hurt myself more. The gentleman who had the infection at the site problably wasn't allergic to the box but rather reacted to the leads or the sutures or even had a hospital transmitted infection. The wands police use will not affect it, I have set off Blockbusters alarm more than once. BUT on the safe side do not go through the metal detectors, they operate off a completely different process. AS FOR THE PAIN DOCTORS... I had a good one but he moved to Las Vegas, the one now is so egotistical, he probably gets off in the mirror cause he thinks hes Gods crap. My mother has RSD and says my pain doctor should see me atleast every three months, my doctor would perfer if I fell off the face of the earth. But lets get Bush out of office cause embryotic research is truely going to be our miracle. God's gift is within ourself. I believe in 10 years I will be somewhat normal again, I have to have hope.
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- Re: Reret of having the spine stimulator implant , 11/02/07, by Heather.