Re: Werner pull down attic ladder
Posted by tvb on 8/03/10
On 5/29/10, tvb wrote:
> On 5/04/10, tvb wrote:
>> On 4/24/10, Rich Domsicz wrote:
>>> On 4 /24 2010 I called Werner customer service. They told me the hinge
>>> couldn't be fixed and I needed a new ladder. They said there was no
>>> written warranty, but they stand behind what they sell. They told me to
>>> return the ladder to Lowes and they would get me a brand new ladder,
>>> worth $200. What a great company Werner is. I bought the thing 5 years
>>> ago, and had no reciept. I'll never buy any other brand.
>>> On 4/23/10, Rich Domsicz wrote:
>>>> On 3/07/10, chris moll wrote:
>>>>> On 2/18/10, Tom wrote:
>>>>>> On 8/12/08, MRS wrote:
>>>>>>> A MUST FOR YOU. Start to blog on listed Werner Ladder site.
>>>>>>> The upper hinge on my s 2208 ladder broke. How can they say they
>>>> make a quality product and then use a cast hinge on it? hate pot metal
>>>>>>> On 8/12/08, roger groves wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 4/19/08, kristi waterland wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 12/09/07, David Resley wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On 12/07/07 I was descending my 2 year old steel pull down
>>>>>>>>>> ladder that had replaced a similar Werner pull down made
>>>>>>>>>> of wood (that had pulled loose from the pull down door)
>>>>>>>>>> when the right side lower hinge just fell apart plunging
>>>>>>>>>> me off an adjacent wall to the floor. The hinge looks like
>>>>>>>>>> it was made of cast pot metal. Upon inspecting the left
>>>>>>>>>> side hinge, I found a crack in it as well. If the damn
>>>>>>>>>> ladder is made of steel, why are the hinges made of junk
>>>>>>>>>> metal? I have a bad nack as well and wound up
>>>>>>>>>> nursing it the rest of the day. I found this link while
>>>>>>>>>> looking for possible replacement hinges. Anyone up for a
>>>>>>>>>> class action suit?
>>>>>> My hinge on my S2210 broke today, I almost fell. I have wrote
>>>>>> Werner. It was a cheap Chinese cast with a bad spot.
>>>>> this past fall the right hinge midway up ladder broke. sending me on
>>>>> a rapid/fall/twist to the floor. I must call Werner for a
>>>>> replacement.
>> Hope you called CSPC to report the incident. If Werner was a great company, I think that they
>> would recall this product that keeps causing accidents instead of just fixng the problem after
>> people potentially kill themselves on their ladder. Again, if you have not done so, PLEASE report
>> your incident to the CSPC (1-800-638-2772) so that there can be a recall.
>> If people just worry about new hinges/ladders and fixing their own situation without reporting the
>> problem and, thus, acting to prevent future incidents for others, then the problems will likely
>> continue and someone could be seriously injured/paralyzed/killed. Please do your part to prevent
>> this, if you have not done so already. Thanks.
> WARNING: There have been numerous reported incidences of the hinges on these S2208 and S2210
> models breaking, with little use, resulting in serious injury to the user. Just do a google search with
> the search words: Werner s2210 broke.
> There are many other threads on with reported problems about these S2200 series
> ladders (S2208 and S2210). I count at least 8 different threads, including:
> Werner S2210 Capacity hinge shear, Werner s2210, Werner S2210, Werner pull down attic ladder,
> Werner Ladder, Werner S2210 Attic Ladder, Werner Attic Ladder S2208 Junk, and Werner Attic Ladder
> S2200 series.
> I count at least 50 reports from those eight different threads. Please review them all for a more
> comprehensive view of the extent of this problem. Also, please post your complaint on the s2210
> (small “s” not capital) thread which seems to have the most reports.
> If you've had problems with this model, please call the consumer protection hot line at 1-800-638-
> 2772 and report these problems so there may be a recall. If you have already done so, follow-up
> with a letter to ask why nothing has been done with respect to a recall.
> As you can see, many others have had the same problem and it is just a matter of time before
> someone is seriously injured if flawed ladders are not taken off of the market. The only way for that
> to happen is for people like you to report the problem. I know it is a bit of a hassle, but please do so
> for the safety of others. Thank you in advance.
I noticed that many people are just replacing the broken hinges (leaving the other original hinges in
place). Since I have seen reports of both the top and bottom hinges breaking, I am wondering why these
people are not replacing all of the original hinges and why they have confidence that the other original
hinges won’t also break.