Re: Spinal Cord Stimulator
Posted by Sheryl on 2/06/08
Jackie: Where did you have the hardware was it in your back? My mother has hardware in her leg and she had a scs put in and had to have it taken out and I was wondering if that could have had anything to do with it not working. It constantly shocked her and kept resetting itself. She is still having problems with it.On 1/29/08, Jackie wrote: > Hi, > I am another failed recipient of a spinal cord stimulator. > My failed 5 months after it was implanted. It never worked > right alway's reseting it self. The rep could get it to > work but with in a few weeks it would quit again. Then it > quit completely. Not even the rep could get it to start > up. So they told me it was most likely the battery or > unit. They went in to check to see why it wasn't working. > Of course it wasn't the battery or they say? They said > after stopping the operation that the leads are broken. I > have been referred to another neuro-surgeon for another > surgery to remove the leads. I sit hear now with broken > leads in my neck. It is alarming that this has happened. > When the unit was working it was the best thing that ever > happened since my injury and pain began. They hope to > implant a different type that is more secure and will not > move. They believe that the leads broke because of all the > hardware (screws, rods and plates) I have. I am willing to > do anything and everything to get back to a normal life. > This is the only thing that has made my life worth living > so I am will to give it another try.