Re: Werner Ladder
Posted by Russ on 11/30/09
I had both hinges snap off when I started up the ladder tonight to get
the Christmas decorations down. They appear to be made out of a cheap
pot metal. I can't get the model number until I can get another ladder
to get up to it but I'll try to post it tomorrow. I'm still sore.
On 10/27/09, tvb wrote:
> On 10/27/09, tvb wrote:
>> On 9/20/09, Alberta Gardner wrote:
>>> We have Werner model #2208. The lower hinge broke when I was
>>> coming down the steps in March of 2009. I sustained compression
>>> fractures at L1-2. Now I find out that they filed for
>>> bankruptcy. What can we do now?
>>> On 8/05/09, Harmon wrote:
>>>> On 7/20/08, Scottie wrote:
>>>>> On 5/08/08, Michael Doeringsfeld wrote:
>>>>>> I have a steel Werner Attic Ladder model #2210 in which
>>>>>> both lower hinges broke causing me to fall the the garage
>>>>>> floor. I received a broken wrist that required surgery
>>>>>> (steel plate and 12 screws). My accident happened March,
>>>>>> 2008. Please send me an e-mail if you had the same
>>>>>> incident with Werner Ladder, .
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Michael Doeringsfeld
>>>> My S2210 mk3 Werner attic stairs broke at the bottom left
>>> hing.
>>>> I fell and
>>>> hurt my back. When I called, they directed me to buy another
>>>> model! When I
>>>> complained that the ladder was less than 3 years old, and it
>>>> should not
>>>> have broken with almost no use, they told me there is a fix-it
>>>> kit. They
>>>> are sending it to me now, I'll update when it comes in.
>> Have they recalled this product yet? I see that it is still sold on
the internet. How can
>> they continue to risk injury/paralysis/death to their customers
after so many
>> incidences?
> PLEASE call the consumer protection hot line at 1-800-638-2772 and
report these
> problems so there may be a recall. Many others have had the same
problem and it is just
> a matter of time before someone is seriously injured if flawed
ladders are not taken off of
> the market. The only way for that to happen is for people like you
to report the problem. I
> know it is a bit of a hassle, but please do so for the safety of
others. Thank you in
> advance.