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    Post: ANS Removal

    Posted by Deborah on 5/12/08

    Well, I went to my rheumatoligist because of the
    excruciating pain which I now know was from the device. I
    explained the many problems and of the tech putting me off
    and I was informed that I should call the neurosurgeon
    immediately (not the tech) and talk with the doctor. I
    did so and was told to go the ER . I was admitted for
    observation. Another tech rep came to the hospital (not
    the one that pushed me to give it more time and made me
    feel it was my fault) to run more programs on the device
    which caused me more pain. I was operated on a day and
    half later and home the a day later and now no longer have
    the device . I am so much better.. just have to recover
    from surgery. I had to go through several months of
    horrible pain and if I was listened to at least by the 2nd
    time I called the tech I would not had to suffer these
    extra months. I am still very frustrated with the tech
    situation but they are basically there to make money by
    selling this product. I will not have another one and I
    would not recommend this device to anyone.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • ANS Removal, 5/12/08, by Deborah.
  • Re: ANS Removal, 6/09/08, by KATHY.

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