Post: Spinal Cord Stimulator
Posted by RS on 9/27/08
I originally had my SCS placed in 1998, I had the battery changed in 2001. The second battery ran out in February 2008. My physician suggested we change my system to a re- chargable batery. The connectors and battery were replaced leaving the orignal leads in my spinal colummn. When the medtronics reps programmed my battery in recovery I felt no stimulation I only felt shocks in my abdomen. The medtronics reps tried two more times to program the battery I only felt shocks in my abdomen. My physician wants to replace the leads in my spinal columnn. After reading all these posts I realized the re- chargable system is faulty it should be taken off the market. RS
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Spinal Cord Stimulator, 9/27/08, by RS.