Post: Failed Medtronics Spinal Stimulator
Posted by Susan Cox on 2/03/09
I had my stimulator implanted in Sept of 08. One lead for facial pain and the other for left arm pain. Within 3 wks. the arm stimulation quit. After several appointments with the Medtronics tech, X Rays, and Dr. appointments they decided that the leads were in the right position but not all the leads were "responding". The Dr. doesn't want to do surgery again as to not disturb the connectors so close to the spinal cord. At my last visit the Medtronics tech tried again and some of the leads were responding except to get any relief to my arm I have to put up with rapid movement that I can not control of my left hand and leg. If I don't do this I have to depend on my pain patches and morphine pills. Not something I want to do and it does not help that much unless I put myself into a fog. I went through all that surgery and risk for nothing. I gave up ever having an MRI and was ok with that to be out of pain. Now I am back to square one. What can anyone do about this? I know that I am not alone after reading all of the posts but, its just not right. I for one feel that I have been injured by this company's product............
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Failed Medtronics Spinal Stimulator, 2/03/09, by Susan Cox.
- Re: Failed Medtronics Spinal Stimulator, 3/15/09, by KARIE.
- Re: Failed Medtronics Spinal Stimulator, 3/24/09, by Stefanie .