Post: Prednisone side-affects
Posted by Kathie on 3/24/09
I was given prednisone in November of 2007 for an auto- immune wound. In late February of 2008 I was admitted for emergency surgery due to the fact that prednisone had thinned my skin and vessels to the point of my bowel rupturing. I was hospitalized for 2 weeks. Right after my surgery I noticed I could not hear out of my left ear. My hearing before had been perfect! The ENT said it was blood poisoning but it drained and hurt for over a week after surgery and that does not sound like blood poisoning to me. Could this be a ear bone (I have a ruptured eardrum) case? I am looking for litigation in process. I have tremors in both hands and legs also.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Prednisone side-affects, 3/24/09, by Kathie.
- Re: Prednisone side-affects, 3/24/09, by Kathie.
- Re: Prednisone side-affects, 8/25/09, by Amelia.