Re: Pain in the implant site...
Posted by Barbara on 10/23/09
n 8/07/09, Tina wrote:
> On 8/03/09, Tammy wrote:
>> I have had my Boston Scientific unit since last year. I
>> have had pain at the implant site off and on for sometime
>> now it is all of the time and now it has increased alot. I
>> am wondering if anyone is having any problem like this ?
>> Also it really has not helped with the pain in my back and
>> leg...
> I have a SCS from Boston Scientific also I have pain a the
> implant site also . It has been since I had the system
> tested. I was getting shocks in my back when the SCS was
> first placed in 2007. Then in 2008 one year later the SCS
> stimulation would stop and start with a jolt frequently. It
> took me 9 months to get anybody to listen to me in the mean
> time I lost my job due to the increase in pain. Since the
> last surgery the incision site can be very tender especially
> if I hit it when sitting down. I hope this helped and hope
> you are feeling better soon.
> Tina
My implant site has increased my pain to more than what it was
to begin with. My site is the upper buttock. I have hated the
thing since it has been in which is just about a year now. I
lost my job because of the restrictions the doc put on me. If
he had told me preop about them there is no way I would have had
it done. He even knew the requirements of my job. No attorney
wants the case because and this is the words of one, "We agree
that it was wrong but there just is not a big enough payday in
your case for us to bother with." I was going to go ahead and
have a spinal fusion done. The neurosurgeon refused to remove
the device. I am not trusting physicians right now. My
hemaglobin a1c was 12 and the man was still wanting to do major
surgery on my back!! No telling what a fiasco that would have
been. (I had lost my insurance with my job and had no meds or
testing equipment for my diabetes) Good luck to you and maybe
your pain will subside.