Re: Pain in the implant site...
Posted by Tina on 8/07/09
On 8/03/09, Tammy wrote: > I have had my Boston Scientific unit since last year. I > have had pain at the implant site off and on for sometime > now it is all of the time and now it has increased alot. I > am wondering if anyone is having any problem like this ? > Also it really has not helped with the pain in my back and > leg... I have a SCS from Boston Scientific also I have pain a the implant site also . It has been since I had the system tested. I was getting shocks in my back when the SCS was first placed in 2007. Then in 2008 one year later the SCS stimulation would stop and start with a jolt frequently. It took me 9 months to get anybody to listen to me in the mean time I lost my job due to the increase in pain. Since the last surgery the incision site can be very tender especially if I hit it when sitting down. I hope this helped and hope you are feeling better soon. Tina