Post: leg and foot pain from nerves firing off

Posted by mary on 8/13/09
After i had the temp. spinal stimulator in the pain in my back reduced 75%. I had a problem with my legs feet knees. The nerves in these 3 ares started firing off that i was in so much pain that i could'nt walk with out help or a cane. I could'nt sleep i just couldn't stand the pain. I am now suppost to decided if i want the permant stimulator but in. I have no gaurantee if i will have the nerves in my legs. feet and knees fire off again. I couldn't stand it. need help
Posts on this thread, including this one
- leg and foot pain from nerves firing off, 8/13/09, by mary.
- Re: leg and foot pain from nerves firing off, 8/17/09, by mary.