Post: neuro stimulator
Posted by Brenda on 9/27/09
I recently had the Neuro Stimulator put in and find I cannot get a setting to stay or neither can the PA, I tell them it keeps shutting down, they tell me to call the Medtronic Rep. all he says is you must be shutting it off. Okay, with the batteries out of the device, why would it do that? Again, he says he dont know but your hitting the off button. So I go to the dr. office and the PA resets it and I get a bill for 250.00, its only been 4 weeks. I have to reset this stimulator 5-6 times a day. For sure this is not normal, can anyone tell me if they experience this problem. I am ready to remove it myself, I cannot believe the manufacture wont help me with this issue.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- neuro stimulator, 9/27/09, by Brenda.