Post: Prednisone The Life Changer
Posted by Maria gary on 10/25/09
This Drug Is No Joke....... I really empathize with you all who have been through this with me. Please let me know when and if you get any further with this. I too have been a victim of this drug. I was born with a lung condition which they call Bronchiactosis. In 1998 I was ill with the pneumonia and a pulmonary doctor that I was seeing gave it to me as a treatment method to get me through the pneumonia, Unfortunately , from the date that he started me on it I was hooked until three months after when I was diagnosed with AVascular Necrosis. During the three months every time that I would weaned or get down to the 20 mil from the 60 mil My body would go through withdrawals. I'd get really ill instantly, I would contact him and he prescribed me more pills to pick up from the drug store. Now obviously I did not know that this drug was so effective so whatever it took to make me feel better I did without thought that it would do severe damage. I never read or heard that it would cause such an offer side effect. I would call him every time I got down to 20 mil for more pills. Now considering if the doctor knew the dangers of the side effects you would think that the pulmonary doctor would have been more cautious giving the drug to me also, he wasn't. In fact he stated then that I would not be able to go without the drug ever because of my health condition, We’ll he lied. However, three months of going back and forth on and off of the drug, One day I woke up and fell to the ground. Every time I'd get back up again to take a step, My right leg was giving out on me. The situation got worse before long it became totally lifeless. That went on for about three weeks finally I went to a neurologist and after examining me she immediately had me admitted into a hospital. Then a orthopedic specialist examined me and after a few days of test he came and told me the bad news. He told me that my hips had detieriated and needed immediate surgery called a deep compression to fix it. I asked what caused this problem he said Prednisone did this to you. I was in shock. Never in my life would I imagine at age 26 that I would have to go through so much. I had big dreams of becoming a model and actress, with this now I cannot. In fact I don't think that he had a clue to how much damage the drug caused because after he did the deep compression to try and savor the right hip the left hip collapse on me, Then two month later as the left side was healing the right hip collapse on me again so guess what? I had to get it replaced. That adds up to three surgeries and two out of the surgeries I have gotten my hips replaced. All because of this drug, It destroyed my dreams and hopes of doing a lot of things. I hired a lawyer to go after the doctor who kept prescribing me this drug he held onto my case until after statue limitations ran out then he had the nerve to tell me that it was not the doctor's fault for that happening to me. So it really wasn't anything that I could do about it anyway. I went to several lawyers after that and they all said that because I am asthmatic and have this lung condition and possibly have been prescribed this drug before many times maybe by other doctors it wasn't really much that anyone would do. To tell you the truth yes I had been prescribed the drug on more than one occasion but never did I ever follow through with taking the drug. It always made me feel bad when if I took it. I took it that time with that doctor because I was really ill and he told me that I needed it to get better. As for the makers of the drug everyone supports it. So what do I do? Well right now it's been ten years since I had the surgeries and it took me two years after that to get back on my feet. The doctor who did a very good job replacing them said that I should be okay with the hips for fourteen years, We’ll I don't think so about that neither, now today and I am starting to feel pain in that right hip again. And I am pretty sure that very soon I will have to go back to the doctor who operated on me and have him take a look and he is going to say that I will need to go ahead and get the surgery again. What A Life Right? and get a load of this... Its' been eleven going on twelve years since that I have not touched prednisone. I have been just fine with my dealing asthma without it all in a matter of three months time that drug has changed my life forever.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Prednisone The Life Changer, 10/25/09, by Maria gary.