Post: ANS Spinal Cord Stimulator Problem
Posted by Donna on 10/27/09
I have an ANS Spinal Cord Stimulator. The first one was installed in May 2009, three months later it flipped over and stopped working. They said it was because I lost weight that it flipped, so I had it replaced in August with a unit that doesn't have to be recharged. About a week after it was installed my back and my right side of my buttock has been feeling unbearably hot. The Pain Mgt group is telling me it's not from the stimulator and that everything with the device is fine so they put me on high dose CIPRO for 3 weeks even though the Tagged WBC scan did not show an infection. I saw the surgeon's PA and they want me to stay on the CIPRO for the 3 weeks and then if it doesn't clear up they will take it out on 11/23. Does this sound familiar to anyone else? Do I really have to wait that long? It hurts and I can't sleep more than 3 hours at a time... Any suggestions?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- ANS Spinal Cord Stimulator Problem, 10/27/09, by Donna.
- Re: ANS Spinal Cord Stimulator Problem, 11/17/09, by Ted Patrick.