Post: Help

Posted by Dee on 4/28/10
I have had enough of this, I have had it revised and replaced too many times. I have rsd in several places from it. I was being burned and shoocked from my last unit and I complained and they said We have never hheard of this! The I read a blog of over hundredrs of people who were! I have been lied to so many times, and I get no support from them. I lost my controler and it was oh well you shouldn't have lost it.$1500.00, I had just turned one in from having a revision, so I said no, they gave me one, probably was mine anyway. Very sad at how much they don't care my unit hsn't worked in over two months. I didn't have pain mangement, it was working , when it was working and the battery wasn't causing my pain and problems. After a surgery I got an infection and had to argue to get the dr to look at me, the pa said I didn't have one, dr took 2 cc of pus out of it and it hasn't worked right since! Soooo frustrated. I live in the country, have horse, goats, chickens and a garden.I have r/a and fibromyalgia, bursitis, and amny other health issues. I have had a stroke and heart surgery, I had a occulder on my heart. I had shots in my hips, as I can't take my shots until after this next surgery as it lowers my immune system. I am just reocering froma cold that went to my chest, so I ache everywhere. I counted on and trusted them to help me, not have to take pain meds! Now scars all over from revivsion after revision and no pain relief! Signed wouldn't recommend this to anyone..... Dee in Austin Texas
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- Help, 4/28/10, by Dee.