Re: Medtronics SCS
Posted by Sally on 6/25/10
On 5/01/10, Kathy wrote:
> I am aghast to read all of your posts. I am a VETERAN
> metronics victim. I have had 4 of them now, all 4 have
> failed prematurely and I am now waiting to see a surgeon to
> remove the rechargeable battery and relocate a
> NON-RECHARGEABLE battery. It was implanted Aug08 and
> because of the neurosurgeon's arrogance, he placed it
> he thought was appropriate. He made this decision AFTER I
> was anesthetized. I now have an open wound on which you
> see the battery covering.
> I, too, have received total cold shoulder from the reps who
> were my best friends (sarcasm) when they wanted to sell a
> unit. I suspected something legal was up and a friend
> this site for me.
> current is transferred externally through tissue, the
> tissue will DIE. I believe that I will need skin grafts.
> I am 46, very active, live a very full life. The surgeon
> am interviewing next week will have to provide references;
> e.g. have a former patient call me and tell me their
> experiences.
> I have not had ANY battery last >2.5 years. Not
> Please feel free to contact me. I would like to know if
> any of you know of a good surgeon near Augusta, GA and if
> anyone knows the OTHER brand of SCS's now on the market.
> I truly understand the viciousness of the pain and the
> associated psychological torture. I now have a fabulous
> and am going to have to take time off to fix this thing
> Best wishes and prayers for you all,
> Kathy
Kathy, I had my Medtronics Rechargable ((9 year battery)) /
Spinal Neurostimulator implanted on June 14th! I was in
SEVERE/EXCRUTIATING pain for 10 days!!!! When I went back
to my Dr. on the 24th, He said he would need to open me back
up immediately and possibly remove the stimulator. So
ANOTHER surgery and yes, the site was very infected and the
device was removed and cleaned out and packed thoroughly!
But 2 surgeries, time off from work probably another 2 weeks
and the Rep just said "Good Luck to you"...and that's it. I
am a single Mom barely making it and went through all of
this in the first place so I could get rid of most of my
back pain so I could work!!! And not be on SS Disability!!
Now I may not be able to work again!!! What do I do now???
Can I sue them? Please does anyone know?? Please email me
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