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    Post: Magic Chef Microwaves Aren't So Magic

    Posted by Steve on 5/01/10

    Model Number: MCO153UW

    This microwave does not work as advertised, nor is the
    problem described below limited to my unit.

    Putting items such as a single potato, a cup of coffee, or
    a bag of popcorn in this model tend to cause it to trip
    it's built-in circuit breaker. Whether that breaker trips
    based on current or temperature is unknown. The unit will
    shut down for anywhere between a coup of minutes and
    nearly half an hour before coming back on.

    The model is also equipped with a fuse, which has blown,
    twice, under the light loads evidenced above.

    I live in a 430-unit apartment complex. All the units
    were refurbished a few years ago, and all the units are
    equipped with this model microwave. On the second visit
    to replace the fuse, the maintenance supervisor apologized
    and reported he's had problems with more than half the
    installed units. A quicky survey of my building (12
    apartments) revealed he wasn't kidding: Seven people have
    experienced microwave failure with these Magic Chef units.

    I suppose the real question is: What kind of microwave
    can't nuke a potato or heat a cup of coffee without
    suffering a meltdown?

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  • Magic Chef Microwaves Aren't So Magic, 5/01/10, by Steve.

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