Post: Needs Advice!!! Please
Posted by Brandy Schoolcraft on 5/23/10
I was hurt at work in Aug of 2001 delt w/ work comp docs and finally able to see me own docs. In Oct of 2007 i had a scs implanted. The leads migrated and I had to have it redone in Jan 2009. Now its May of 2010 and the leads have been migrated again since Apr of 09. I have been dealing with the pain of the RSD/CRPS and also the pain the battery is causing me. I have 3 options 1. Get it removed 2. Redo the same way 3. Redo but now i guess there is a new way to do it with paddles. They put 2 pea sizes holes where the paddles will go and put the paddles though it. When the scs did work it was great but i am scared that theleads will migrate again and hate tobedone for so long for a 3rd time. Need some advice Please!!
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Needs Advice!!! Please, 5/23/10, by Brandy Schoolcraft.