Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st
Posted by Ursula on 2/02/11
On 1/17/11, D Goodin wrote: > I had a stimulator implanted in 2009. During the procedure, > they were able to get coverage in my lower back, but once I > was out of surgery they were unable to reproduce it. I had > many re-programmings done, but they were never able to get > it in the area I need. A year later, I went in for a > revision, but that was also unsuccesful. As others have > said, instead of covering my lower back, it causes the > sensation in my ribs and stomach, and makes me very nauseous. > > One other issue I have with the company is that my husband > is in the military, and we had the opportunity to go to > Hawaii for a few years. The BS rep I was working with > assured us, over and over, that the company had a rep here > that would work with me. Well, here we are in Hawaii, and > according to my pain management doctor, BS does NOT have any > reps out here. So now what do I do?