Posted by Dominic on 9/10/11
On 2/13/11, Carl wrote:
> To go after the manufactors of prednsione there has to be
> cases of avascular necrosis that are less than two years
> old.
I too have fallen victim to avascular necrosis from this drug. I took prednsione
to relieve pain in my back due to bulging discs. I was diagnosed with
avascular necrosis a few months ago (May 2011). Both of my hips need to be
replaced. I am in constant pain everyday and all day long from this condition.
I cant even dress myself sometimes in the morning because of the pain. I'm
only 33 years old. I was someone who was physically fit in regards to playing
basketball, football, tennis, and biking. Now, I can't even hold and walk my first
born daughter who is 8 months old. Thankfully my wife has been my wind
beneath my wings to help me get through this. I will never forget what this
drug did to me. I was never told about the side effects. Now, I will never walk
on my own again. I sure wish someone could do something about this! I
wouldn't want anyone else to go through what I went through.