Re: Medtronics Spinal Stimulator Electrocuted
Posted by concerned on 3/18/11
On 7/25/10, Shocked wrote:
> Heres what happened to me , I was Diagnosed with CRPS, Was
> talked into getting Medtronic implant . It worked kinda but
> was getting shocked alot with
> movement , Went back to get adjusted by Medtronic Rep she
> strapped the thing to my back
> and I was Standing talking to a nurse when the Med Rep
> turned it all the way up and
> centered in middle of my spine , Needless to say I was
> electrocuted for 10 seconds unable
> to move only thing I could do was yell at her to turn it
> 3 times, Once she did finally
> turn it off , My whole body went limp and I fell to the
> floor screwed up my ankle and
> knee. I stormed out of office leaving all the
> garbage(charging pack ,bag etc etc ). Went
> back 2 weeks later to Doc Office he said I need to see a
> phsyciatrist before he will
> remove it which is total BS . Id love to know If I could
> Medtronics for electrocuting
> me , When I say that I mean felt like a stun gun or worse,
> But the Medtronic woman ran ou
> of the room never seen her again she never said sorry or
> anything to me thats why Id Love
> to sue them/her . Anyone know if its possible ? Id never
> get one of these implants if
> your considering it !!!! Heres my Email Addy
My son had a Boston Scientific Spinal Stimulator, this was
his 2nd one, the 1st one malfunctioned & they replaced it.
Last Sunday we had been to church & after church we stopped
at Taco Bell & all of a sudden he said this thing is messing
with my breathing & started jerking like he was having a
seizure, I looked up & he was blue in his face. The machine
was malfunctioning & caused every muscle in his body to
spasm, including his diapharm which caused him not to be
able to breathe. We called Ambulance. This thing had been
malfunctioning for 4-5 days, rep came prior & even deleted
all the programs, still kept firing, the leads migrated down
4-5 disc spaces & lodged in the nerve root, he had been to
ER twice before this. Boston Scientific kept trying to blame
it on something else. Our ER did not have a Neuro Surgeon
that could remove it, we took him to Vanderbilt in Nashville
Tn. last Monday they removed it, the surgeon said it was
difficult for it had lodged, they could not take some leads
out, but they got everything else out, paddles, battery
etc.... The surgeon even was shocked and this caused the
surgery to take even longer. I forgot how many volts it was
sending but it was unbelievable. They told him he could have
all sorts of problems because of this thing, like heart
problems due to so much volts,paralysis, his left leg drags
now, etc...
Watch out if they take it out DO NOT LET THEM GIVE THE UNIT
BACK TO THE REPS, if they get it they will make up some
ridiculous story about it was lost etc... Sounds like they
already know how that thing can kill someone.
I was a Paramedic for years & I had seen alot of seizures in
my line of work, but I had never seen anybodys body do what
his did as this thing malfunctioned, he was in so much pain
anything they laid him on became wet, he sweated so bad from
the pain, his heart rate was sky high, B/P was high, this
thing almost killed him and it took 5 days before we found a
DR that would/could remove it.Also when that thing was
firing every muscle in his body, including his diaphram, was
as hard as concrete. This is just a piece of what he went
I am telling you this to try to prevent anyone else from
having to go thru this & to try & save a life, because if
this had been an older person I do believe they would have
had a heart attack from it & died.
So, Please stay away from the spinal/neuro stimulators, they
are very, very dangerous.
Sincerely, concerned mother