Post: Medtronics Spinal Stimulator Electrocuted
Posted by Shocked on 7/25/10
Heres what happened to me , I was Diagnosed with CRPS, Was talked into getting Medtronic implant . It worked kinda but was getting shocked alot with movement , Went back to get adjusted by Medtronic Rep she strapped the thing to my back and I was Standing talking to a nurse when the Med Rep turned it all the way up and centered in middle of my spine , Needless to say I was electrocuted for 10 seconds unable to move only thing I could do was yell at her to turn it off 3 times, Once she did finally turn it off , My whole body went limp and I fell to the floor screwed up my ankle and knee. I stormed out of office leaving all the garbage(charging pack ,bag etc etc ). Went back 2 weeks later to Doc Office he said I need to see a phsyciatrist before he will remove it which is total BS . Id love to know If I could sue Medtronics for electrocuting me , When I say that I mean felt like a stun gun or worse, But the Medtronic woman ran ou of the room never seen her again she never said sorry or anything to me thats why Id Love to sue them/her . Anyone know if its possible ? Id never get one of these implants if your considering it !!!! Heres my Email Addy
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Medtronics Spinal Stimulator Electrocuted, 7/25/10, by Shocked.
- Re: Medtronics Spinal Stimulator Electrocuted, 3/18/11, by concerned.