Post: ANS Stimulator Lead Problem

Posted by Gina on 8/09/10
I had an ANS stimulator and now have a Boston Scientific stimulator. One day out of the blue the ANS stimulator started to go haywire on me sending electric jolts through me and I was unable to turn it off, it was horrible. It took some time to figure out the problem, but the little I know is that the leads corroded, after only 2 years of being implanted. The doctor requested that I go with a Boston Scientific implant, during the replacement surgery. I was never told what actually malfunctuened and ANS was not present during the surgery. What I will say is it was the worst 1.5 months waiting for the replacement, using a walker again, being in horrible pain, and being fearful of being electricuted from the inside, so scarry. I don't know how ANS just walks away from things like this.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- ANS Stimulator Lead Problem, 8/09/10, by Gina .