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    Post: Re: Werner 6200

    Posted by Rose on 8/30/10

    I was recently injured using a Werner 6200 ladder. I was
    standing on the third rung from the top trying to pull stuff
    down from the rafters in my garage.. While doing so, I felt
    the ladder shift all of a sudden. I looked down and saw that
    the internal spreader on the right hand side was slowly
    bending outwards. Fearing that it was going to snap I
    started making my way down it. Well, I wasn't aware that
    because this (right side bending) the left front side of the
    ladder was no longer touching the ground. So, the second I
    put my right foot down I was instantly propelled downwards.
    I slammed face first on to the hood of a car, bounced
    backwards hitting a metal filing cabinet, flipped over that
    and landed on the cement. I had numerous injuries. Black
    eye, bottom front teeth knocked loose, and severe bruising
    on my back and kidney. I've eventually lost the feeling in
    my right foot and leg, as well as my lower extremities. The
    impact of me hitting the metal cabinet was so great that a
    portion of my lower spinal column shifted to the left and I
    now look as though I'm leaning sideways. We still have the
    ladder and you can see that, with the locks in place, it's
    bent and the left foot is off the ground. I'm five-foot four
    and weigh about 125 pounds so I don't think that I could
    have caused it! Has anyone ever heard of something like this
    happening anywhere else? Or to anyone?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Re: Werner 6200, 8/30/10, by Rose.
  • Re: Werner 6200, 8/10/12, by Marc Lenahan.

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