Post: defective spinal stimulator
Posted by Maureen C. Williams on 9/04/10
I need help. I had hoped that this would help all of us who need a break. I have not had any luck with lawyers. Basically, I had a spinal stim at John Muir Medical Hosp @Concord, ca. Within days, I started feeling ill. Several weeks with notable systems, I was diagnosed by Dr. B at the VA with a seizure disorder, not epilepsy In June 09. I was thrown across the air, and was in electrical shock for about 20 minutes. It was a nightmare. Maybe noone can help me now, but this might warn others. The FDA has not called me in months. Please help. My email is My 2 years is going to be Sept 15th. Maureen.I need a probono lawyer now.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- defective spinal stimulator, 9/04/10, by Maureen C. Williams.