Re: Metronic Stimulator To Spine & Pain Pump
Posted by Bobbie on 11/25/10
On 9/17/10, Robert Holley wrote:
> I had a metronic spine stimulator implanted in Co. In
> 2007, now it stop working & had metronic rep. check it ,
> they said the right lead stop working & need a nuerosurgeon
> to repair or replace it, My stim also only works on a high
> number which grabs my chest muscles by my heart ,which
> caused me great, panic,I now live in Idaho,& because Ca.
> comp. is my {Ins} No doctor will accept me,I also had
> Metronic pain pump installed 2007,my second,[2001}which
> cath.broke twice,now three years later Dr. tell me the cath
> to my spine has broke again,4 trips to ER,Im stuck in pain
> with no one will see me,they told me to go back to Ca?
They can find you a doctor in the state you live in now...My
Husband got hurt while we lived in Alabama, and then moved to
Tennessee.. Please don't let workers comp. pull that on you...