Post: Metronic Stimulator To Spine & Pain Pump
Posted by Robert Holley on 9/17/10
I had a metronic spine stimulator implanted in Co. In 2007, now it stop working & had metronic rep. check it , they said the right lead stop working & need a nuerosurgeon to repair or replace it, My stim also only works on a high number which grabs my chest muscles by my heart ,which caused me great, panic,I now live in Idaho,& because Ca. comp. is my {Ins} No doctor will accept me,I also had Metronic pain pump installed 2007,my second,[2001}which cath.broke twice,now three years later Dr. tell me the cath to my spine has broke again,4 trips to ER,Im stuck in pain with no one will see me,they told me to go back to Ca?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Metronic Stimulator To Spine & Pain Pump, 9/17/10, by Robert Holley.
- Re: Metronic Stimulator To Spine & Pain Pump, 11/25/10, by Bobbie.