Re: Burns from a sunbeam heating pad
Posted by Timi Headley on 6/10/11
On 10/06/10, Patrick thompson wrote:
> Last night my wife received 2nd degree burns from a sunbeam
> heating pad. I believe the automatic sut off didn't work.
> The area burned was about 1" by 3" long. The skin was
> peeling off the area burned when she woke up this morning.
> Is there a product liability issue here.
I need an answer to the same question. I'll explain! I went to
Walmart and bought a Sunbeam heating pad about a year or so
ago. On L, which is the lowest setting, on the 2 hour shut
off, it left a 1st degree burn on my back which I treated by
I also took that heating pad back and chose a new Sunbeam and
bought first aid supplies to treat the first burn!
I set the 2nd heating pad on L with the two hour setting! I
was burnt again on my back!!! I took THAT ONE back to
Walmart!! The manager treated me terribly thinking I was
faking it.
So I got a refund because I had the receipt and I purchased
more first aid supplies and bought a NEW heating pad from
Walgreens but had to choose a Sunbeam again because that's all
THEY carried. When I returned home I called the manufacturer
(Sunbeam)! All I asked for is that they refund my money for
the new heating pad and first aid supplies for my back from
the 2nd burn! All they said was that they were sorry for my
injury. Take pictures of it and send copies of receipts with
the pictures to them and they WOULD refund my money for them
and the pad!!! I did those things and they DID refund all the
Now common sense told me that if a company that large would do
all that for me then they obviously new that it was happening!
And I know that if this is the third heating pad that had
burnt me this badly from Sunbeam that I can't be the only
person being burnt by them!!!
So, I was now on my 3rd Sunbeam heating pad and thinking that
I'd just been unlucky! I set it to L on the 2hour timer, yet
again! I now have at least a 2nd degree burn on my hand. I
woke yesterday to the heating pad still on!!! Which was
dangerous in and of itself. But I have a HUGE 1 1/2 inch
across circle burn blister which broke and beneath it are even
more deep burns with the meat of my hand being totally COOKED
even below the 2nd layer of blisters (beneath the first
blister of the burn, I hope I've explained the injury
clearly). I will absolutely have a huge scar on my hand if I
can even get it to heal before it becomes infected! Right I
am in so much pain and the pain has me so nauseous that I'm
having to take phenergan to settle my stomach.
I want to know WHAT THE HECK is going on with these Sunbeam
heating pads. I had growing pains in my legs pretty badly when
I was a kid. I had a Sunbeam Heating Pad which my mother
bought for me to treat the pain. She would wrap it around
which ever leg had the active pain at the time and leave it on
it's lowest setting ALL NIGHT LONG and I wouldn't get burns
from it!! What the heck is going on???!!! I know that last
question is repetitive.
I DID call a local attorney and she told me to Search the
Internet under everything I can think of in relation to this
happening! And she's given me two referrals to two HUGE local
law firms who are very successful with class actions suits
against large companies such as Sunbeam!
For me, it's not a matter of wanting to sue people. I am NOT a
sue happy person! But how many time and how many people need
to be burned by these before we stand together and say, "This
is ENOUGH!!! Stop making these things until you can make them
work properly and stop injuring people!"