Re: Do NOT get a spinal cord stimulator
Posted by Michele Minieri on 10/02/11
After reading your post, I feel KINDA lucky, I had a Spinal Cord Stimulator put in at Johns Hopkins University on July 15, 2010, immediately i knew something was wrong, I had a muscle bulging out of my back where the paddle lead was mal-placed. I was in extreme pain and asked my doctor to remove it immediately, he to refused. Saying "I had a Cadillac in my rump" i.e. expensive equipment. He also put in the battery pack too low in my rump, therefore i sit on it everyday in pain. I finally found a doctor, after going to 5 Neurosurgeons, who refused to touch it, to get it removed on September 23, 2011. Over a year later. IF YOU DONT HAVE ONE DO NOT GET ONE. They cause more pain than they are worth. I want to sue my doctors from Hopkins and don't know where to begin. I feel your pain and pray you find relief soon. I am 7 days post op, still in pain in both areas. Thank God its out though finally. I can feel some difference. Now please pray that it heals properly inside and out. Any attorneys in Maryland who want to help me sue Hopkins, contact me PLEASE.