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    Post: medtronics class action or other

    Posted by laurie Quinn on 6/07/11

    I too had an implant for pelvic pain and found out after
    surgery that I really could not move started to exp fevers
    this pain was going down my leg which before this implant
    I'd never exp sciatica did not know what it was. So at
    first I thought It was just the recuperating process after
    surgery. As I told the dr and would take aspirin and
    tylenol to lower the fever when my fever would go up too
    101 even 102 even on tylenol and aspirin not including all
    the pain meds I was already on. Called dr but did not do
    any blood work or pay much mind. After a week more with a
    fever he put me on antibiotics and then for two mths loaded
    them on. I was still having horrible back pain and sciatica
    could not walk from the pain and the leads migrating it was
    awful so now I'm fighting two pains what a nightmare. Then
    to find out I developed CDF and still the pain in my back
    and the sciatica don't resolve. They tried to reprogram it
    but for what just to move once I walked or passed a bump in
    the car were the stimulation would migrate to my leg. I
    went to get various other opinions since the doc did not
    want to take it out but everyone kept on telling me I
    needed to have it removed. I finally went to a dr that told
    me to shut it off to see if that was the cause of the
    sciatica and yes once I shot it off the sciatica went away.
    Though the pain in my back did not which sitting down
    mostly in a hard bench would be excruciating like if
    someone was digging a knife into my spinal cord exactly
    were the leads were. Which from the moment the second lead
    was inserted it felt painful being that I was awake with
    hardly any pain medicine for the entire surgery which took
    a total of 3 1/2 hrs talk about painful remember one of the
    doc rubbing my hand to distract me from bitting down on my
    hand ugh from the pain....... I think I had scaring from
    when that lead was inserted from the trial or something or
    who knows but all I know is when that second lead was
    inserted in my spine it felt different and it was painful
    and that area hurts even after 8mths and all the trials and
    tribulations I finally got it removed but the pain in my
    back in that area is excruciating and I don't have the same
    strength on that left leg as far being able to pick it up
    etc.... Considering I never had back problems and the ones
    I did have were due more to the inflammation in my pelvis
    but never really back pain. I never even new what sciatica
    was and now after they removed the stimulator I acquired
    yet another complication in addition to this back problem
    its just wonderful and even though I've asked for an MRI of
    the spine were the stimulator was inserted the dr hasn't
    given me the prescription? Though I've asked for it
    numerous times ugh..... But this stimulator is more of a
    nightmare then a blessing I understand its helped some but
    being were its localized it can be the cause of some
    serious complications and life altering consequences to
    patients that are already going through life altering pain
    stacking exp. Thus it just makes it that much harder when
    other complications are added on with no regard or full
    disclosure. But since its a highly paid procedure were
    would the incentive be first pay then figure out the
    consequences later!!!!! This is not to comment on the CD
    they give you to watch like once you get it implanted you
    will be able to run, ride a bike again, due yoga and
    literally it makes it seem like a fairy tale and things
    will be so wonderful after. Not much of a disclosure or
    that joke of a trial which they say is supposed to be 2 wks
    but from I read which in my situation was only in place for
    2 days but from what I've seen on line is not unusual (2-4
    DAYS) and this the trial can never compare or does it
    compare to the real thing its useless and not a true
    picture of what the real thing is like not even a 1/4 true.
    That a real joke and should not even be done I think its
    just to charge more and can even cause adhesions scaring to
    start formning already not what you want mostly before a
    massive surgery like the real one is like. Also I was never
    told I was part of a study which contributed I think to the
    reluctances to remove the stimulator even after performing
    a block since I could not walk for what was at that time
    already 4 mths after surgery..... Any information would be
    happily accepted!!!!

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • medtronics class action or other, 6/07/11, by laurie Quinn.

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