Post: Unnecessary Pain and surges
Posted by Robert Hunt on 7/06/11
I just got the implant done in March 2011. After 2months I was lying down and my heart felt funny like an electric field around it. I cut off the implant and an hour later my heart felt normal, the BS tech said it would only stimulate blood flow and do nothing to my heart. It has happened three times.Also when the stimulator is off I get electrical surges. They took and removed replaced and relocated the battery from my hip up into my lower back. This was done on June 30th 2011. I'm afraid to turn it on. No one is listening to what I'm saying, they just go on and on about how it will give me a better quality of life. Yeah! right. I feel your pain this is real.....I hope some one finds a good LAWYER
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Unnecessary Pain and surges, 7/06/11, by Robert Hunt.