Post: Medtronic Spinal Cord Stimulator
Posted by Pat Mahafeey on 7/25/11
After a succwssful trial withe the stimulator, May 25, 2010, I had the medtronic spin stimulator put in my left hip. It worked great with a few minor adjustments. I had no pain, rode a motorcycle to N.C and back to FL. Spent 6 days on the bike. Christmas party, I was able to dance, jitterbug, et. I had 3 programs on the stimulator and c was the best. I kept it at 360 during the day and 300 at night. This kept me comfortable. On Jan. 19 2011, I had an appointment to have the stimulator checked, just a routine visit. The tech. from medtronic found a bad lead it wa #7, he waid we weren't using it and it would be ok. He kept changing things and when I left the stem was on program a or b, after 2 days I was a little uncomfortable, so I tried to go to the C program, it was all O's. I called the tech, he didn't know what had happened. Finally I got the number back but when I tried to use it I started getting shocked. When I would charge the stimulator I would get shocked. I saw another tech and she said on of the connections was to close to the bad lead and she turned the bad lead off. I went back to the dr again, saw a different tech, he made adjustmens. I was still not getting relief. Back again and I saw 2 techs, one who had been present when the stimulator was implanted and the one I had seen on the last visit. Another visit to the drs and again I saw the origan tech, she set everyting back to what it had been before Christmas. I continued to get shocked, shocked when I charged it. I called the dr and was told to turn it off. I had it removed July 25, 2011. I still have pain in the area the stimulator was in and pain in the spin where the wires were. Every time I had to go for an adjustment it cost me $52.00. If I had seen this web site before I would not have had it implanted. No lawyer will take the case because the stimulator is FDA approved.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Medtronic Spinal Cord Stimulator, 7/25/11, by Pat Mahafeey.