Post: Predizone
Posted by William T Swift on 10/25/11
I worked for the CDC of Atlanta for 4 years. I was transfer from one of our sites to the main campus where they do research. After 2 weeks of being on the new job, I was diagnosed having Transverse Myalitis with caused me to become temporarily paralyzed. I was in the perfect bill of health until then. My doctor administered high doses of Predizone, which caused me to have severe damage to my both of my hips (Avascular Neurcrosis) He NEVER informed me of the possible side effects. I feel he should have at least informed me of this and other options. My whole life has been turned upside down. My job fired me as a result of this and feel I've been wrong in both cases. He told me the Predizone caused the damage. But once again, why in the hell didn't he tell me of the side effect? I hope for others like myself, will get what is due to them from this drug. I'm sure Predizone has made BILLIONS of dollars from this dangerous drug. Its time to pay up and do the right damn thing.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Predizone, 10/25/11, by William T Swift.
- Re: Predizone, 11/17/11, by luvenia morris.