Post: Class Action Against Prednisone
Posted by Helen Angelyn Floyd on 12/21/11
My body and life has been destroyed by prednisone. I'm
alive but my knees need a second operation from the
osteoarthritis from the steroid use. I have had 3 surgeries
on my shoulder, the last was a total shoulder replacement,
now i have fibromyalgia, severe major depression and the
others named below. My doctors swore by it. I was told by
all of them that my diabetes, high blood pressure and high
cholesterol all came from being on steroids. I have had
withdrawal attacks where i cannot even walk. I have severe
asthma and lots of other issues but it was the asthma where
i was treated with the steroids. I have developed a
condition called angioedema in which i feel is directly
related to steroids, but i swell up in my throat,
tongue,lips,eyes, buttocks etc. at any time causing me to
be tired and ill feeling with a fever. When i go to the
emergency when my tongue swells and attempt to block my
throat i am sent home with prednisone. In the emergency
room when i have a bad asthma attack, i am given
solumedrol, which i was told was a faster acting steroid
then steroids intravenously, when i call in to doctors on
days i am not feeling well they prescribe to me prednisone.
It is 2011 now i have not had to be on prednisone for
longer periods of time as in the past, but my body,facial
features, balding areas, bad eyesight, and other issues are
all as a result of being on steroids consistently for
almost 20 years. I blew up from 149 lbs to 216 lbs in 3
weeks, my beautiful figure and face just distorted.
The drug kept me alive grant it, but i feel i should have
been more closely monitored,been educated severely, not
just given steroids at the drop of a hat,pay more attention
to the patient as they embark on your steriod "buy me some
time pills"
I was on 60 mg of prednisone when i weaned down i was on a
maintenance dosage of 20 milligram per day. When i am
completely off of the steroids i get sick within 2 weeks
and i am back in the hospital and on steroids high dose
I still feel that if i would have known the long term side
effects, the repercussions i could have helped the doctors
to help me to anticipate and plan for the repercussions
there are a number of things that could have been foretold
before destroying lots of us. It was my choice when i
signed the medical release forms to be treated, but i still
should have known and been educated about the deadly
results of prednisone.
Prednisone (catch 22)
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Class Action Against Prednisone, 12/21/11, by Helen Angelyn Floyd.