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    Post: medtronic stimulater

    Posted by kevin crompton on 1/10/12

    In 12/08 I had a stimulater put in my upper back to help
    releave pain in my upper and mid thoracic area of my
    back,This was suppose to be about a 45 minute surgery the
    doctor came out 3 and 1/2 hours later and told my wife that
    they had run into some problems and was only able to get
    the battery and the wires in and that i had lost 5 units of
    blood. The doctor shedguled me to come back in to weeks to
    get the paddle installed in my upper back,I went back into
    surgery 14 days later, this time I was in the operating
    room for 5 hr's,I never was told why I had lost so much
    blood but the doctor said he never wanted to opperate on me
    again,The doctor told me not to turn the stimulater on for
    week's beause there was alot of blood pooling in the area
    of the paddle that was insalled, So I waited 14 day's
    before turnning the stimulater on, It did help some but not
    in the area that was working in the o /r when they would
    wake me up to tell them where it was working the best for
    me, I went back to the doctor 2 weeks later and told him
    that the stimulater was'nt giveing me the pain releif that
    I was getting in the OR,I was then told that sometimes the
    paddle can move a tinny bit and not give the releif that
    the paitent was hopeing then I spent alot of time
    and money for nothing,So 2 year's I go to a different Dr
    that tells me that if we put a differnt area in my back
    that we could get a large amount of the pain under
    controll, I asked this doctor if when he put this new
    stimulater in if he could move the battery to a different
    area of my body becuase sometimes when I would stand up it
    would catch on chair's and pick them up off the floor and
    it was quite painfull. So in april of 2010 I go into
    surgery one more time for another medtronic's stimulater,
    the wire's from the first stimulater we're cut away from
    the battery and tucked away in my body and the battery
    moved from the upper part of my left buttoch, this
    stimulater worked for about 2-3 week's then only get the
    feeling on the stimulater under my left under arm and my
    right groin, had a medtronics rep come and see if he could
    reprogram the stimulater NO LUCK, I had some exrays taken
    and found that their are broken wire's allover in my back
    and left side of my stomache, so much for all of this new
    technouligy,I wish I would have been told that these wires
    could break and stick in the muscle and make it cramp up so
    bad that you cant even stand.I

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  • medtronic stimulater, 1/10/12, by kevin crompton.

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