Post: Predisone

Posted by Laurie on 3/15/12
My mom, suffered life long with a chronic cough. YES, she also smoked many years, but gave it up once for years, the cough remained, she started smoking again (after weight gain) and later in life about 30 years ago, she gave it up for good:-)Her cough, was allergies. She lived in all the wrong places....When you smoke, even if a former smoker.. the history you have of being a smoker in life puts on your health history a "Black mark" when physicians see you. They can then sorta write you off with COPD, or Asthma! Prednisone, stole my mom's elder years, and twice she suffered a SEVERE near death collapse, that required being brought back to life in the ER by infusions of the same drug, and overnight stays. She was withdrawn rapidly, ..said to be the cause of her collaspe. HOWEVER, the past year I have researching Borrelia , better known as being the bacteria that is the cause of Lyme disease...(along with many other co-bacterias one can be infected by, via one single bite of a vector=tick, flea, mosquito--OR person to person, mother to fetus. I am fairly certain she had Borrelia ALL her LIFE. Her's was, she was not diagnosed, but her health history points to that, and where she lived, worked, played=her exposure levels..very very likely she had an underlying infection. NOT a single doctor in years of seeing them suggested she see an allergist.They threw codeine cough syrup, and 100 dollar inhalers at her, and those, only made her cough worse. Prednisone, a "bandaid" at best, and killer at worst. How many people are walking around with underlying infections, and weakened immune systems?? LOTS, and LOTS! ...the CDC even admits to many more cases of Lyme than reported. So, prescribing the Steroid, which is KNOWN to adversely affect those with Lyme..that act is like playing Russian Roulette, with your patient, no better. I would advise ALL persons with allergies ( or low immune system functions) to be tested for Borrelia bacteria, if they suffer from anything that brought them to the place where a doctor prescribes Prednisone. It should be outlawed. It almost KILLED my mom, TWICE, and yes, I'm still MAD...I was with her, in the downward spirals, madly trying to search out what info I could about the drug....not one, BUT TWO complete bodily collapses, two ER and hospital stays, MANY tests. It RUINED her elder years....had my infectious disease self research come in time, perhaps she could have been tested for Lyme, and recieved treatment for an underlying condition. Her misdiagnoses, and failed diagnosis led to countless TESTS, non of which discovered Borrelia . HOT topic, Doctors are afraid to even discuss. STAY AWAY from this DRUG, it SHOULD be ILLEGAL...bone loss, adrenal failure, glaucoma, Diabetes,...COMMON SIDE EFFECTS. You are you own best health as much as you can----we did, knew it was dangerous, were assured the 6 week protocol was "safe".I'd love to go after the pharma that caused my dear now departed Mom to suffer so. $$$$$$$$$ it's about $$$$, not caring for people,....downright SCARY.
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- Predisone, 3/15/12, by Laurie .